Opera and Me…
…the optimum combination…
by default…

Opera is the first browser to render a page, any page, that is created to become part of our site. It's a secure way to operate.
Opera is also the first browser to see any web page/site development I'm involved in professionally, and Opera is the only browser I use for regular web surfing. All local software points to Opera, and other browsers just have to follow the lead.
First there's the process of code-writing, whereafter HTML Tidy does its things. Then Opera has a say, and this is when the decision is made to go forward, or if the coding-process has to start all over again from scratch.
Opera doesn't throw in many surprises for a web carpenter. Once the standards are met, the browser-response is right on the spot.
It's of little use to tell me that Opera can't do this or can't do that. My list is probably longer. However, similar lists for each of all the other browsers I've tested are much, (very) much, longer.
We've made plenty of complaints about bugs and regressions in Opera, and I'm not the only one complaining around here. We're pretty pleased with the latest progress though, and have high expectations for the future.
Opera isn't just another "can't do" browser. It's a "can do" engine in high gear. That's what I need – now, and I've got it.
not just another browser…
If I just wanted a web browser, then almost any new browser would do. I always want something more, and Opera is delivering more on demand.
Opera is at the edge – or rather beyond, so what I get today is what others will get tomorrow – maybe. Other browser-vendors are picking up, and web designers are trying hard to simulate Opera's native behavior in other browsers. Their success-rate is limited.
- OperaShow makes the web come alive in a big way.
- Small Screen Rendering opens the web to real mobile devices.
- Opera Zoom makes all web pages come within visible range.
Must not forget Opera's growing support for the very latest W3C standards, that keeps me busy developing with new stuff while many designers still try to make decade-old standards work in their browsers.
- SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics support is coming around nicely.
- Opera Dragonfly is becoming part of this developer's toolboks.
Opera is creating an industry-standard of its own, while keeping well in line with W3C-standards. That's developement for the future.

Opera users are often well aware of progress in any field, so we tend to upgrade our software as soon as new – stable – versions are released.
Opera is upgraded and updated quite often. Opera is a 'live' product, so every new version comes with more standard compliance and fewer bugs. Opera is lightweight, so users may update on their work-stations in a matter of minutes even via slow modem-connections. I know all about that…
Opera is totally free for download. No ads, no price-tag, just a full-blown and unlimited browser that can handle standard-compliant web sites near to perfection.
I did pay for my Opera quite a while back, and I've never regretted that transaction. It gave me the best, full-blown, browser there was at the time, for only a few dollars. Now we're in a market where the number of free browsers just seems to grow and grow and grow, and Opera still occupy that leading position.

Opera doesn't work on all web sites, but that's rarely Opera's fault. There's a limit to how much garbage a good browser will take, although Opera is well used to handling IE/win garbage. One tour around the W3C validators often reveals what's causing the failure of a web page – and that's it.
Opera isn't even given access to some web sites. There are always some who think their pages won't be treated as they should in a standard compliant browser like Opera. They are probably right (since they have done such a bad job), so they dig themselves into a defensive position. That's the old —dying— school of web design.
Opera can bypass their guard at any time, but it's rarely ever worth it. Let them keep their pages to themselves.

All browsers have bugs and flaws, and Opera is no exception. Personally I've had fewer problems with Opera than with any other browser, but I guess that's not statistically valid since Opera is my preference.
An important point though, is that no standard compliant browser adds much to the workload when Opera says a page is good. I'll leave out the non standard compliant browsers, as they will always need some attention — or I will just have to ignore them.
Opera is at the forefront in browser-land today, so all I'm asking for is: just keep it there.
Hageland 01.nov.2004
18.dec.2008 - language check.
23.dec.2008 - updated links.
last rev: 23.dec.2008
Opera and Me…