Watson Farm.

Still some of those woolly creatures on Conanicut Island. I found these on the Watson Farm – a real working seaside family farm with heritage-breed cattle and sheep, under the Historic New England foundation.

cattle farming.

Something quite familiar about the sceneries above – to a farmer.

and more farming.

The above are very “farm-oriented” and informative too.


It is natural for me to have nature, animals and farm related objects rather than humans in most of my pictures. The former are diverse and informative, while the latter tend to look pretty much the same everywhere.

I am far more interested in what humans have actually done and made for themselves and how they've shaped their surroundings over the years, than in what's presented through carefully crafted facades, memorials and stories.

The few pictures I've included here, and the many pictures I didn't find room for, tell real stories that can not be found elsewhere.

You may only want to take a brief look at the fragments above, while I'll spend hours and days cross-referencing and studying the minutest details, looking for a more complete story.


June 14th.


On vacation in the Northeastern United States, early in the summer of 2007.

