demos and tests…


an overview…

Demo and test pages are to a certain degree organized under headlines describing the most common features. There are however a lot of feature-mixes in these pages, and I have only listed each page once.

Relevant articles are listed under each headline. I recommend reading those articles first.

old and new, and even some obsolete…

I create demos and/or test pages whenever I feel like exploring or demonstrating a method or feature, and I'll add them to the list below if I see a need.

Although I delete the really old ones from time to time, there will still be some pretty obsolete ones around. I keep a few of the older and less useful ones on-line, as stepping-stones into the future.

Time and progress (and even some regress) take its toll on every solution and method ever proposed and/or used in web design.
Consequently: all listed demos and tests are delivered as is, with no guarantee for usefulness in a real-world scenario.

sincerely  georg; sign

Hageland 27.nov.2007
last updated: 19.feb.2009


using site-layout as playground:
  1. play #1 - demo (2005) note: [1]
  2. play #2 - demo (2005) note: [1]
  3. play #3 - demo (2005) note: [1]
  4. play #4 - demo (2005) note: [1]
  5. play #5 - demo (2005) note: [1]
  6. play #6 - demo (2005) note: [1]
  7. play #7 - demo (2005) note: [1]
position fixed experiments:
  1. position fixed in IE6 - test (2005) note: [2]
  2. position fixed in IE6 - test (2005) note: [2]
  3. position fixed in IE6 - test (2005) note: [2]
  4. position fixed in IE6 - test (2005) note: [2]
  5. flexible position fixed #1 - test (2005) note: [2]
  6. flexible position fixed #2 - test (2005) note: [2]
mixed layouts:
  1. elastic-fixed-elastic - test (2005)
  2. fluid-fixed-fluid #1 - test (2005)
  3. fluid-fixed-fluid #2 - test (2005)
  4. fluid-fixed-fluid #3 - test (2007)
  5. fluid-fixed-fluid #4 - demo (2007)
  6. fluid-fixed-fluid #5 - demo (2007)
  7. fluid-fixed-fluid #6 - demo (2007)
  8. fluid-fixed-fluid #7 - test (2007)
  9. fluid-fixed-fluid #8 - demo (2007)
  10. indestructible #1 - demo (2006)
  11. indestructible #2 - demo (2006)
  12. indestructible #3 - test (2006)
CSS tables:
  1. CSS table #1 - test (2006)
  2. CSS table #2 - test (2006)
  3. CSS table #3 - test (2006)
  4. CSS table #4 - test (2007)
  5. CSS table #5 - test (2007)
  6. CSS table based equal height clumns - demo (2007)
  7. CSS table based equal height clumns in reverse - demo (2007)
  8. multirow CSS table based equal height columns - demo (2007)
  9. source-ordered CSS table based equal height columns - demo (2007)
  10. complex CSS table - demo (2007)
Conditional Elastic
  1. Conditional Elastic Layout #1 - demo (2006)
  2. Conditional Elastic Layout #1 - test (2006)
  3. Conditional Elastic Layout #2 - debugging Gecko - test (2006)
    1. Conditional Elastic #tp0 - demo (2006)
    2. Conditional Elastic #tp1 - demo (2006)
    3. Conditional Elastic #tp2 - demo (2006)
  4. Multicolumn Conditional Elastic layout - basic - test (2006)
    1. Multicolumn Conditional Elastic layout - #1 - test (2006)
    2. Multicolumn Conditional Elastic layout - #2 - test (2006)
    3. Multicolumn Conditional Elastic layout - #3 - test (2006)
  5. Elastic shapes - demo (2006)
    1. Elastic shapes - demo (2006)
    2. Elastic shapes - demo (2006)
  6. Conditional Liquid #tp3 - demo (2006)
navigation-bars with rounded corners:
  1. navigation-bar above - (2006)
  2. navigation-bar above - with “sprites” - (2006)
  3. navigation-bar below - (2006)
100% tall web pages:
  1. 100% tall – basic - demo (2007)
  2. 100% tall but never taller - demo (2007)
  3. 100% tall with CSS table - demo (2007)
  4. 96% tall with margins - demo (2007)
  5. 100% tall minus margins - demo (2007)
horizontally and vertically centered:
  1. demo #1 - demo (2007)
  2. demo #2 - demo (2007)
  3. demo #3 - demo (2007)
  4. demo #4 - demo (2007)
float margins:
  1. how margins affect floats and their surroundings - demo (2007)
IE/win bug/fix:
  1. fix for IE/win's “background-overflow on fieldset with legend” bug - demo (2007)
  2. resizing text in pixels in IE/win - demo (2007)
  3. positioning the list-bullet in IE/win - demo (2007)
image scaling in browsers:
  1. the original - unscaled - version - demo (2007)
  2. the half-size scaled version - demo (2007)
  3. the quarter-size scaled version - demo (2007)
  4. the max-width scaling version - demo (2007)
  5. the 'em' scaled version - demo (2007)
  6. too wide images can be handled by hiding the overflow - demo (2007)
  7. too wide images can be handled by scrolling - demo (2007)
tabular line-up:
  1. float #1 - test (2007)
  2. float #2 - test (2007)
  3. elastic - test (2007)
text leaders:
  1. demo #1 - demo (2007)
  2. demo #2 - demo (2007)
CSS based multilevel menus:
  1. fly-out/drop down - demo (2007)
  2. drop down/fly-out - demo (2007)
  3. compact 5-level drop down/fly-out - demo (2008)
  1. javascript enhanced CSS slideshow - demo (2007) final, I think
  2. javascript enhanced CSS slideshow - test (2007)
  3. pure CSS slideshow #1 - test (2007)
  4. pure CSS slideshow #2 - test (2007)
  5. pure CSS slideshow #3 - test (2007)
  6. pure CSS slideshow #4 - test (2007)
the present site-layout exposed:
  1. main containers exposed - demo (2007)
  2. outer containers exposed - demo (2007)
  3. inner containers exposed - demo (2007)
  4. undressed and uncluttered - demo (2007)
creating shapes with Javascript & CSS:

Added to this list in october 2008, but the demos are old and the method even older. I may write an article about it one day.

  1. Rounded Corners and other shapes – #1 - demo (2006)
  2. Rounded Corners and other shapes – #2 - demo (2006)
  3. Rounded Corners and other shapes – #3 - demo (2006)
  4. Elastic shapes - demo (2006)
    1. Elastic shapes - demo (2006)
    2. Elastic shapes - demo (2006)
  5. Rounded Corners and other shapes – the original non-script method - demo
auto-centering of absolute positioned elements:

First created: 17.feb.2009.
Opera, Safari, Firefox, Konqueror, Chrome, IE8rc1 are all doing fine. IE7, IE6 and older can't handle such centering.

  1. absolute centering - basic version
  2. absolute centering - variant #2


[1] IE/win fixes are not updated for IE7.

[2] IE6 fixes are for quirks mode.

[3] IE7 may hang - lock up.

demos and tests…

show how something works: to explain, describe, or give a demonstration of how something works or how to do something
msn Encarta

trial run-through of process: a trial run-through of a process or on equipment to find out if it works
msn Encarta

…2005 - 2009
last updated: 19.feb.2009