fix for IE/win's “background-overflow on fieldset with legend” bug

flawed in IE6.

Credit Card Information

corrected in IE6.

Credit Card Information

how to:

actual styles for this demo

 /* basic fieldset styling */ 
 fieldset {
 background: #cde; 
 width: 300px; 
 position: relative; 
 line-height: 1.5;}

 fieldset legend {
 line-height: 1.3 
 /* note this line-height value */;}
 /* IE6 fix */
 * html fieldset#fixed legend {
 float: left; position: 
 relative; margin-top: -.95em 
 /* equals actual line-height minus 0.35em */;}
 * html p.comp {
 margin-bottom: 18px;}

 /* IE7 fix */ 
 *:first-child+html fieldset#fixed legend {
 float: left; position: relative; 
 margin-top: -.95em 
 /* equals actual line-height minus 0.35em */;}
 *:first-child+html p.comp {
 margin-bottom: 18px;}


I've had this simple test/demo in my local files for a long time – see date below – but haven't bothered to turn it into a proper page and launch it until the summer 2007. The reason for presenting it at all is that some still seem to have problems with this IE/win bug, and may be in need of a documented fix.

As IE7 has the same bug as its predecessors, this solution is still relevant – and will be for many years to come. You're welcome to it.

author: Georg Sørtun
date: 18.sep.2005
last rev: 07.jul.2007