the max-width scaling version – testing max-width simulation in IE6.

Change width of your browser-window to see how it works.

fig.1 – screenshot with text fig.2 – nature

The images used in this demo are 1280 × 635 pixels in size. A 'max-width: 100%' is applied, with a 'width: 100%' backed up by an IE expression as workaround for older IE-versions.

The upper image is rather complex, and will deteriorate quickly in most browsers when scaled.

The lower image is more “forgiving”, and will survive scaling quite well.

Obviously: IE6' lack of ratio-preservation is a potential problem.

The expression used to simulate max-width in IE6 is also causing some flickering during resizing.

created: 10.sep.2007
by: Georg Sørtun
See relevant article for more on the subject.