bugnote – 2009-02-25

IE8rc1 @import "media" bug?

observed tested investigated problematic fixed
24.feb.2009 25.feb.2009 superficially not really 25.feb.2009

Apparently, IE8rc1 has a problem when the following is used to import a stylesheet for print.

@import url("ag1c-pr-050225.css") print, projection;

IE8rc1 does however not have any problems when the following is used.

@import url("ag1c-pr-050225.css") all, projection;

This will work in my case since my print-stylesheet itself contains @media wrappers, that prevent print-styles from being applied to other media.

action taken:

Made changes across www.gunlaug.no.

Print me out…
follow-up (note to self):

Think I have made changes in all base-layout files, but must keep an eye open for missed ones.