the author...

...who we are.

behind the site…

We've been on the web for a while, and despite the fact that many know about us, there's often a slight confusion about who's who behind this site. We (who are behind it all) don't think it really matters all that much, but there's no need to leave our visitors, and others we may meet, in the fog.

The virtual setting we create on the web is based firmly on real life experiences and day to day life, and the characters and names found on this site, are as real as can be. We intermix it all slightly, and serve the parts we think are suitable for the world wide web.

a web carpenter…

This character is well presented as the author, and keeps the site and other activities on the web in the state you can see it in at present time. If something isn't as well presented as you'd like it to be, then he is probably to blame for the misery.

He is married to Gunlaug, the farmer, and created this site in her name – He is even assisting his farming wife in the usual day to day activities on the farm, so one may say that he is at least doing something useful in the real world.

He does actually work in web-development at times, so it's not all “just for fun”. He just doesn't have to work anywhere anymore, so his contribution in web design is somewhat exclusive and limited.

Life is fun, and it keeps getting funnier all the time.
sincerely  georg; sign

a farmer…

The farmer is a real world farmer in any way, shape or form. The daily farm-work isn't too time-consuming, so there's time and space for something extra.

The material we serve from the farm is mostly her creation, and there are always some more creations on their way or in the planning-stage.

She leaves to her husband, the web carpenter, to write it all down and illustrate it. After all: he's got to do something useful in the virtual world too.

Farming is a good lifestyle. I'm glad I can live it.
sincerely  gunlaug; sign

a cat…

Yes, Molly 'the cat' is a real cat. A real farm-cat to be precise. She, and all her fellow farm-cats, are a constant source of inspiration, both in real life on the farm and in the definitely more virtual world on the web.

She scratches the keyboard now and than, and even like to see some meow'ing friends on the web at times. Guess that's why she likes Opera, since all cat-images can be zoomed in for her in that browser.

Miao and/or meow to all my friends.
sincerely  Molly 'the cat'; sign

all the others…

Our dairy farm has cows—naturally, and calves. They all live a natural, non-industrialized, life that's only limited to a degree by official rules and regulations created by (mostly clueless) humans.

The animals' day to day contribution to the farm and humans living here, is so great that it can't be described in words or illustrated by pictures. We do try our best though.

They say a butterfly flapping its wings in Hong Kong, can affect the weather in the North Sea. How about a real loud “mooo-h” from a Norwegian Cow, out there on her pastures..?
sincerely  Rosa 'the Norwegian Cow'; sign

presentation over…

We try to avoid contributing to, or be affected by, the general information overload. That may be one reason why we put limits on any presentation.

What isn't presented on this page and on our site as a whole, is left to your imagination. Have fun.

sincerely  georg; sign

Hageland 03.nov.2004
last rev: 12.jul.2007

the author...

Of course I'm here in person.
So are all the others.
Molly 'the cat'



the usual
  • the author
  • Copyright
the unusual
the additional
  • Examples
  • Demo pages

The web is as virtual or as real as one wants it to be.
— Georg


…2005 - 2007